

EuDs's Blog

Git Study Notes

Git Study Notes#

Tips for Usage#

Searching within a Github Repository#

On the repository page, press T and then directly enter the file name.


Configuration of Gitee#

Because the SRTP project is hosted on Gitee, I tried to configure Gitee today. It took some time, and the record is as follows:

  1. The main reference was Configuring Gitee and GitHub Simultaneously, but the first step on it is to clear the global settings of Git. I was a bit hesitant because I was afraid that clearing it would cause some errors in the settings I made before.
  2. I looked at several other tutorials and found that Configuring GitHub and Gitee to Coexist did not mention clearing the global settings. So I followed the steps in that tutorial and set it up smoothly.
  3. One thing I learned is that both config and id_rsa can be opened and edited with Notepad.

Workflow for Collaborative Development#

This time, the group project used Huawei Cloud, so the workflow is based on Huawei Cloud.

# Note: Replace the Chinese text in the code with the actual content
# Determine the tasks to be completed in this code development, create a remote branch x, and provide relevant information (branch name, description, associated work items)
git pull # Ensure that the code and branch are up to date
git checkout -b local_branch_name origin/remote_branch_name # Check out the remote branch to the local repository
# Code development
git add .
git commit -m "Appropriate annotation"
git push # Push the code to the remote branch. This operation can be done frequently during development. The benefits are code backup and version management.
# After completing the tasks for this code development (make sure the functionality is implemented and there are no issues with local debugging)
# Proceed to merge the branches
# Create a merge request in Huawei Cloud (can set reviewers and approvers to ask others for help)
# After the merge is completed (by default, the source branch is deleted after the merge)
git remote prune origin # When the remote branch is shown as deleted on Huawei Cloud, but still appears when executing git branch -r, run this command
git checkout master # Switch back to the master branch (after completing a task, it is recommended to switch back to the master branch to avoid losing the code you wrote when pulling)
git branch -d local_branch_name # Delete the local branch used for this task (can also be kept as a backup)

Understanding Remote Branches#

There are potentially three versions of every remote branch:

  1. The actual branch on the remote repository
  2. The snapshot of that branch locally
  3. A local branch that might be tracking the remote branch

Common Commands#


  • git add . filters based on .gitignore
  • git add * ignores .gitignore and adds all files


Three steps for pushing files:

git add 
git commit -m "Enter your message"
git push

Checking Status#

git status


  • Switch to another branch: git checkout {branch_name}

  • View local branches: git branch

  • View remote branches: git branch -r

  • View local and remote branches: git branch -a

  • Delete local branch: git branch -d {local_branch_name}

  • Force delete local branch: git branch -D {local_branch_name}

  • Delete remote branch: git push origin --delete {remote_branch_name}

  • If a remote branch has been deleted but still appears when running git branch -a: git remote prune origin


  • git log to view branch commit history
  • git reflog also shows logs, but mainly displays reset --hard

Code Reversion#

  • git reset --hard {commit_id}
  • git reset --hard HEAD^ to revert to the previous version

Errors and Solutions#

  1. Error:

    Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do not have locally.

    • Scenario: When trying Gitee, I first created a remote repository. Then I created a folder with the same name locally, and then ran the following commands in the folder:
      git init 
      git remote add origin

    When I tried to push, I got this error.

    • Solution: According to the prompt below, I didn't pull first, so the local files were not up to date.
  2. Error:

    Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind its remote counterpart

    • Scenario: In the above scenario, after running git pull origin master, I got this error.
    • Solution: git pull origin master --rebase
    • Reference: Common Git Error: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind
    • Lesson Learned: Although I have been using GitHub to host code for some time, I have always used plugins to simplify the operations. This is the first time I used Git Bash and encountered two errors. I feel that there is still a long way to go to master Git.
  3. Error:

    • Scenario: Error occurred when pushing, indicating a network issue.
    • Solution:
      git config --global http.proxy ''
      git config --global https.proxy ''

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